Our partners

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Région Grand Est (Grand Est Region)

The Grand Est Region offers support for the digitalization of small businesses. This regional aid includes:

  • A digital maturity diagnosis
  • Support up to 50% of the amount of the service (maximum 3,000€)
  • Expenses in the acquisition of digital solutions reimbursed up to 50% of the total amount of the project (maximum 3,000€)

Linterfaces guest house was thus able to benefit from this financial support from the Grand Est Region.

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Explore Grand-Est Academy

The Grand Est Regional Tourism Agency has developed and operates Explore Grand Est Academy, a new training service dedicated to tourism performance.

It was during one of these training courses provided for professionals in the tourism sector that I met Mathilde Boivin, head of MBdigital.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI)

The CCI offers training and discovery workshops for entrepreneurs. In addition, the CCI is piloting, through its Digital Transition department, the digitalization program for businesses in the Grand Est Region

The CCI is also responsible for auditing candidates for obtaining the Green Key label.

J2L Concept

Tto create the Linterfaces guesthouse website, we wanted to work with specialized structures.

J2L Concept is a communications agency based in Reims that supports VSBs, SMBs and associations in building coherent and effective communication.

The agency designed and developed the tailor-made site to make it a professional showcase presenting the guest rooms and the concept of low-CO2 emission stays.

J2L Concept also overhauled and modernized the visual identity of Linterfaces.

More generally, as a communications professional and France Num activator, J2L Concept advises and supports Linterfaces in its digital transformation and the management of its communications (social networks, mailing, operational support, etc.)

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In addition, for our site to be optimized as much as possible, we have chosen to collaborate with the MBdigital agency based near Châlons-en-Champagne. This company specializes in SEO (search engine optimisation), writing optimised content. 

MBdigital provided an SEO content writing service to optimise the visibility of the website in search engines. MBdigital also translated this content into English and provided support for the overall visibility and digital transformation of Linterfaces guesthouse.

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Studio Larose

Studio Larose, photographer and videographer based in Bolbec in Seine-Maritime, took the photos and videos of Linterfaces guesthouse.

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Epernay Tourist Office

Linterfaces guesthouse is a partner of the Epernay Tourist Office since our opening in 2007. The main objective of the Tourist Office is to promote the destination globally to attract as many visitors as possible.

To do this, the Epernay Tourist Office wants to offer visitors a coherent and enriching experience by highlighting the best attractions, accommodation and restaurants.

We are therefore happy to be highlighted on the website and on the various media of the Epernay Tourist Office.

Epernay : travel by electric car

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Agence de Développement Touristique (ADT) de la Marne

Just like the Tourist Offices at the local level, the ADT Marne develops the promotion of the destination at the departmental level. The guest house interface is also highlighted on their website.

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Nudge Marketing Experiment

What is nudge marketing? Nudge marketing is a strategy that uses subtle and non-coercive incentives based on behavioural psychology to positively influence consumer decisions.

The Marne, Alsace, Aube and Moselle regions, with the support of the consulting agency "Planète Nudge", have thus developed a range of materials to raise awareness among tourists about the adoption of responsible behaviours.

In this phase of experimentation, the territories focused on accommodation customers and proposed a dozen nudges related to energy and water savings, waste sorting, mobility and local consumption.

Linterfaces guesthouse worked in collaboration with ADT Marne (the local tourism agency) to develop these nudges. We have just received the prototypes and will implement them to measure their effectiveness before a wider deployment. Our objective? To encourage you to behave conscientiously and sustainably during your stay to limit the environmental impact.